Rabu, September 05, 2007

Saturday Night 'Unplugged Music Kolam' and 'Roofless Karaoke'

Dear GCers dont forget to attend :

Saturday night 'Unplugged Music Kolam' and 'Roofless Karaoke' at Grand Cibubur pool's side on Saturday Evening, September 8 2007.

Will be performing :

- All nekaters GC (warga cibubur yg kemampuan pas-pasan tapi nekat hehehehe)

Dont forget to bring your instrument there, we'll arange the perfomance on site :) or just bring your guts to sing or perform there :P

1 komentar:

fajarka mengatakan...

start jam brp??...cover charge berapa??..he..he.... ogut ada keyboard tuh kalau ada yg mau pake